Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya celebrated her Thala Pongal (First Pongal after the wedding) with husband Vishagan at their house.
On Wednesday, the Kochadaiiyaan director took to her official Twitter handle to wish Happy Pongal to her fans.
She shared an adorable picture of herself along with her family and wrote, “Wishing you all a very happy Pongal… with my adorable Husband & absolutely amazing in-laws Vanaga appa and Usha amma pic with Thalaivar soon #HappyPongal (sic).”
With the post, Soundarya revealed that she will go to her father Rajinikanth’s house at Poes Garden residence.
Soundarya Rajinikanth and Vishagan Vanangamudi got married to each other in a lavish wedding on February 11, 2019.
The wedding, which took place at The Leela Palace in Chennai, was attended by several members of the Southern film industry.
Soundarya and Vishagan Vanangamudi are setting major couple goals.
Rajinikanth’s daughter keeps treating fans with some amazing photos of her with hubby Vishangan.
This is Soundarya and Vishagan’s second marriage.
Soundarya has a three-year-old son named Ved Krishna from her first marriage.